Eurotherm Seminar: Innovative solutions for thermal energy storage deployment

The SOLARX coordinator Jérôme Barrau, will present SOLARX on May 24th at the University of Lleida during the Eurotherm Seminar “Innovative solutions for thermal energy storage deployment”.

This seminar will take place in Lleida (Spain), on May 24th to 26th, 2023, and will bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry, who are working in the rapidly expanding field of thermal energy storage (TES).

The most recent trends in such areas as novel storage materials, advanced storage concepts and configurations, TES for renewable energy systems, TES in buildings and industry, use of advanced techniques such as artificial intelligence in TES, and social, environmental, and educational aspects.

Theoretical, numerical, and experimental approaches will be presented for the entire range of applications, from material characterization to complete storage systems.

SOLARX will be presented in the framework of the following session: ‘Session EU1 – Industrial applications‘. The full programme of the conference is available here:

The event is finished.


May 24 - 26 2023


08:00 - 18:00


University of Lleida Lleida, Spain