Introducing new #SOLARXpartners: Alicia Crespo

New highligth from the 2nd General Assembly in Freiburg, where esteemed SOLARX partners shared their roles and responsibilities within the project. This time, we want to spotlight Alicia Crespo’s activity, who is making rewarding contributions by applying her knowledge as Postdoctoral researcher of Solar energy at Universitat de Lleida (UDL).

The group of UDL has expertise in concentrated photovoltaics and cooling technologies. In adittion of being coordinators of the project, UDL’s main tasks, in collaboration with CNRS, is to design and develop the CPV receiver. In particular, UDL is developing the cooling system of the CPV receiver and the control of the DC/DC converters connected the CPV cells. Moreover, they are performing a parametrized numerical model of all the 3 receivers of SOLARX.

Alicia Crespo participates in the design and development of the cooling system of the CPV receiver. She performed CFD simulations of the cooling system to optimize its design. Her next tasks consists of testing the cooling system of the CPV receiver in the lab and developing the parametrized model of the different receivers.

One of our main tasks in SOLARX is to design and develop the CPV receiver, in collaboration with CNRS.
Alicia Crespo
Postdoctoral researcher - Solar energy